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For those living with type one diabetes in New Zealand, it often feels as though we are the last in the world to have access to life-changing technology. Our mission is to change this, by seeking out the most effective and intelligent glucose management technology in the world and putting it into the hands of people living with type one diabetes in New Zealand today.




Our new AiDEX Continuous Glucose Monitoring System is accurate and affordable. Click here to learn more.

Medtrum Touchcare® Nano

Medtrum Touchcare® Nano

The world's smallest, lightest, tubeless insulin pump is now available in New Zealand! Click here to learn more.

Closed-Loop Therapy

Closed-Loop Therapy

Our insulin pumps are designed to work with closed-loop systems. Click here to learn more.


  • "Absolutely brilliant, the nano pump is a total life changer for our 6 year old, Sam and the team are brilliant, can't speak highly enough of our experience with them."

    - Paul -

  • "Sam and the team and Intuitive Therapeutics are amazing. We have been utterly impressed with their service and knowledge. We are also very grateful that they are making this kind of tech and diabetes care available to us in NZ."

    - Abby -

  • "I'm absolutely loving AiDEX CGM - it's actually saved my life a couple of times!"

    - Autumn -

  • "30 years ago I was a commercial pilot and lost my license due to developing type one diabetes. I now have my private pilot license back because of my blood glucose management. Thank you for your professional support and connecting with me personally which helped me become the person I am today."

    - Bret -

  • "Working in a very data driven, high performance sport environment, having the ability for my diabetes to be managed by a closed-loop system is just fantastic. My bluetooth insulin pump is a critical component in this system, as has been all of your guidance to optimise this system.”

    - Damian -

  • "As an intensive care doctor I work all hours. The DANA system has allowed me to really harness technology and use automation to get on top of my diabetes! Thank you to Sam and the team!"

    - Chris -

  • "In 2019 I made the move to a DANA Insulin Pump which has proved the perfect pump for Looping. The DANA's bluetooth connectivity is second to none and having a direct connection to my phone means I don't have to carry an extra device with me for remote control. Using Closed-Loop technology has changed my life so much for the better - I recommend it for everyone living with type one diabetes!"

    - Dave -

  • “Being able to monitor and control my pump over bluetooth means that I can manage my diabetes in the way I choose and see all that is going on at a glance, no matter what my activity.”

    - Sam -

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