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About Intuitive Therapeutics


Intuitive Therapeutics Limited is a distributor of specialist medical devices based in Aotearoa New Zealand. We are run by people living with type one diabetes, for people living with type one diabetes. We specialise in equipping people with advanced technological solutions to simplify therapy and unleash a higher level of health and quality of life than they previously dreamed possible.


For those living with type one diabetes in New Zealand, it often feels as though we are the last in the world to have access to life-changing technology. Our mission is to change this, by seeking out the most effective and intelligent glucose management technology in the world and putting it into the hands of people living with type one diabetes in New Zealand today.


We are the exclusive New Zealand distributor for the SOOIL range of insulin infusion pumps. The DANA-i is Sooil’s newest insulin pump with a system that forms part of one of the most intelligent glucose management systems in the world, with improved BLE 5.0 Bluetooth and CamAPS FX compatibility. It is the natural successor to the DANA RS insulin pump, which already has a substantial following in New Zealand among the DIY Closed-Loop Community.


As well as supplying innovative devices, Intuitive Therapeutics believes that providing high-quality personalised training and support is an essential component of empowering people to leverage technology to unleash the very best of health and quality of life. We therefore offer first-class, one-to-one initial and ongoing training.


We pride ourselves on really taking the time to understand each of our customers individual situations and being able to deliver flexible and individualised solutions. In this way we are often able to exceed the service provided by our larger competitors. We have a reputation amongst our existing customer base for advanced product knowledge and quick, reliable and friendly service.


Our Team 


Samuel Leathwick


Samuel has over 20 years’ experience living with type one diabetes. A self-professed artificial pancreas geek, he was an early adopter of several so-called DIY Artificial Pancreas Systems.


Eager to see this life-changing technology become more widely available, he had a founding role in the charitable organisation, Nightscout New Zealand.


Having benefitted first-hand from the liberation and simplicity offered by the very latest closed-loop glucose management systems, Samuel is passionate about making this technology widely available to people with diabetes living in New Zealand.

Samuel Leathwick

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