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Closed-Loop Therapy


Our Medtrum Nanoinsulin pump is designed for secure and reliable remote control from a users smartphone. This makes it an ideal choice for closed-loop therapy, where insulin delivery is automated by an algorithm using CGM data in real-time to reduce instances of hypoglycemia and increase time in range.

Android APS


Android APS is a community driven effort to produce an effective and safe Artifical Pancreas System with an algorithm that runs on an Android smartphone. The project currently supports Medtrum Nano and DANA-i insulin pumps.  The algorithm behind Android APS is highly effective and safe, as demonstrated by results of a randomised control trial (RCT) published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2022. Android APS is not a commercial project and the code is available freely online. However, users must build the smartphone app for themselves. Android APS has a significant following in New Zealand and some support groups can be found online, such as the Nightscout New Zealand Community on Facebook. 


If you are interested in learning more about Android APS, check out our Getting Started with Android APS page below.


AAPS Focus.png

Getting Started with Android APS

Resources to help you set up closed-loop with Android APS Learn more

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