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Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Insulin Patch Pump?

An insulin patch pump is a tiny tubeless pump that is worn directly on the body, attaching onto the skin via an adhesive and delivering the insulin through a small cannula under the patch.


How small is the Nano pump?

The Nano pump is the smallest (40.5mm X 31.5mm x 11.5mm) and lightest (13.8g) insulin patch pump currently available worldwide.


Will Medtrum Nano work with my smartphone?

The official EasyPatch app works most modern iPhone or Android smartphones. You can find a list of officially tested devices here.

The EasyPatch app can be found in the Apple App Store for iPhone and Google Play Store for Android.

A PDM is also available for users who are unable to use a smartphone. 


Can I swim or play sport while wearing my patch pump?

Tubeless, the small and compact Nano insulin pump will not get in the way when you are playing sports. You may wish to add some sports tape over the pump for extra security, especially if you play contact sport. You can also go swimming with your pump as it is waterproof to a depth of 2.5 meters for up to 60 minutes (IP28).


Tell me about the cannula?

The cannula is a stainless steel needle of 30G, measuring 5mm with a 90 degree angle to the skin. It is virtually painless to insert and can not be felt when wearing.


Can I use my Disability Allowance or Carer's Support Payments to help with the cost?

Depending on your individual circumstances, you may be able to access financial support to help with the cost of the Medtrum Nano. Please contact us for a quote if you are asked to provide one as a part of a DSP or CSP application.


Will anyone train me?

Everyone starting on the Nano pump receives bespoke training and ongoing support from Intuitive Therapeutics according to their needs. Please contact us to discuss starting your Nano pump journey.

If this is your first insulin pump, you will also need some support from your diabetes team to chart initial rates and ratios for insulin delivery with a pump. Recent changes to diabetes device funding has caused some diabetes clinics to become overwhelmed currently. Seeing a private specialist can be a way of making things happen faster and is often covered by health insurance. Please get in touch if you would like us to recommend a private specialist in your area.


Can I share my pump data with my healthcare team?

Pump data can be shared with your clinician via the EasyViewPro portal. Healthcare professionals are encouraged to contact us for training and support for this platform.


Can I travel overseas with my Nano pump?

The Nano pump is safe to pass through the metal detection machines at the airports, but cannot pass through the full body scanners. We recommend taking a backup pump base when travelling overseas, as a replacement may not be readily available if it is lost or damaged. 


Can I use Android APS with the Nano pump?

The Nano pump is a popular choice for Automated Insulin Delivery with Android APS due to its small size and excellent bluetooth connectivity. To help you decide whether Android APS is right for you, please check out our Getting Started with Android APS page.


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